David Mullen, aka Davidthadudee, impacts countless lives through his inspirational story. Growing up in the challenging environment of Broward County, Florida, Davidthadudee had many negative influences surrounding him. Consequently, to escape, music became Davidthadudee’s outlet. Through listening to 50 Cent, Scarface, and Ludacris, he formed an incredible passion for music. As a result, he fell in love with songwriting to express himself and hasn’t looked back since. He continuously works on his craft day in and day out to reach the pinnacle of his musical talent.
Having to overcome many trials and tribulations transformed Davidthadudee into today’s man. Because of drug addiction, homelessness, and years of negative self-talk have incredibly impacted his life. However, through the power of Christ, he tapped into his inner strength and overcame his dreadful past. Now, he uses his story to help direct others from falling victim to negativity through his music.
Davidthadudee Has a Message to his Fans
David wants his fans to take away the message that “All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me, and you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to.” Since Davidthadudee’s incredible turnaround, he has recognized that all that he went through didn’t happen to him but happened for him. Without the struggle, he wouldn’t have the impact on others that he currently does today.
Upcoming Releases
Davidthadudee has a new single dropping soon titled “Keepin it real with God,” featuring Najie Dun. In addition, Davidthadudee intends on dropping a new project at the beginning of 2022. This will be a spectacular year for Davidthadudee as he continues to grow as an artist. So be sure to follow him and look for new projects and daily motivation.
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